Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who To Trust - Federal Judges or Wall Street


The United States Senate has referred the one bill, S. 61, that could break the log jam of mortgages tied up in "TOXIC ASSETS" to "Committee" for review and reconciliation with the House version. The short version of the bill is that it would give Bankruptcy Court judges the power to modify residential home mortgages. The homeowner/debtor would have to prove that the loan was patently unfair, that the lender/broker/originator used Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices, or that the borrower never received the proper documentation to know what product he/she was buying. The assignment to the committee will assure that there will be a delay in getting the bill to the full Senate for a vote. Keep in mind that the House of Representatives has already voted favorably on giving the judges the powers needed.

Unfairness? Didn't the borrower read the documents before signing them, and if he/she/they did not understand everything fully was the closing attorney asked for information or clarification? Unfortunately, many of the closings were done without any attorney present - representing the lender or the borrower. Just a notary was there to be certain the all of the right places were signed and that there was proof the the person(s) at the closing were in fact the person(s) borrowing the money. These are called "Witness Only Closings" and were commonplace during the boom years from 2004-early 2008.

Real Example: clients came into my office Monday ready to file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to save their home. The documents they brought, although unsigned, told the story of how a $1,326 monthly payment grew to nearly $2,300. They had contacted a broker who had helped them, in an earlier transaction, with a major lender. Because of the prior experience, the borrowers trusted that the closing would be okay. The entire transaction took less than 20 minute for a full mortgage refinance, and that was at a local sandwich and ice cream restaurant. Virtually nothing was explained despite questions from the borrowers.

I can state from doing hundreds of closings that an attorney cannot explain all of the documents, including mortgage, mortgage note, HUD-1 Statement, Truth-in Lending, Good Faith Estimate, and all of the other disclosure required by state and federal laws in an hour; not in 20 minutes less the time to be seated. This closing went so fast that no one even ordered a coffee. What is worse is that the loan was not a common loan.

The borrowers were told that they were getting a loan with a fixed payment for 2 years, and that after two years the rate would change periodically. They were not told that the loan was an "Interest Only" loan for the first five (5) years, so that none of the payments made during that time would be applied to principal - the amount borrowed. Further, they were not told nor were the papers explained to them, that the interest rate could move up as much as three percent (3%) at the end of the first two (2) years. It could not go down regardless of the market. Nor did they comprehend that after the first two (2) year period, the rate would be adjusted every six (6) months.

It was only after receiving the first bill from the lender that they found out that there would be a tax escrow in excess of $300 each month. They thought that the taxes were included in the $1,326 amount. Instead of paying $1,326 they paid $1,626. At the end of the two (2) years, though they had been promises that they could refinance as they were getting this great loan, the payments increased to $1,700+ without the $300 tax escrow. They were now paying $674 per month more than they had been led to believe they would pay.

The loan provisions, Fixed Rate for the first two (2) years and then variable/adjustable for the next twenty-eight (28),, is a common product. The interest only feature is rare for middle, middle class borrowers. Combining the 2/28 fixed/adjustable structure and coupling it with a five (5) year interest only provision, and NOT EXPLAINING it to the borrowers is why we have the mess we do.

The above real-life, in my office example, is the reason that the Judges have to be given the power to modify bad loans. They can eliminate the excuse/reason too often given that "it's not allowed in the contract... yeah, the one the Wall street guys made for us.

Author's Copyright by Richard I. Isacoff, Esq., March, 2009


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